A licensed land surveyor with over two decades of experience, Luke provides a full suite of surveying services for public and private clients. Luke serves as project manager, providing hands-on leadership for field crews and office staff, QA/QC support, and managing daily operations and scheduling to ensure projects meet clients’ goals.
He has experience working on a variety of projects including public infrastructure, commercial and industrial site development, solar and renewable energy, K-12 and higher educational facilities, healthcare, housing, and many others. His experience includes small and large boundary surveys, ALTA/NSPS surveys, preparation of easement plats, and construction layout of sites, buildings, utilities, roads, and bridges.
Luke lives in Chesterfield County, Virginia with his wife, Lauren, and two daughters, Julia and Nora.
Where did you grow up? Butler, Pennsylvania (suburbs of Pittsburgh)
What’s your favorite movie? Braveheart
What’s your favorite book? The Monkey Wrench Gang by Ed Abby
What’s your favorite quote? Homemade chicken tacos
What’s your dream vacation destination? A cross-country trip to Alaska
If you were not a surveyor, what would you be? A polar explorer