David leads the Stormwater Group for the Carolinas and southern Virginia. He has supported local governments and the public throughout the region for more than 10 years, providing a mix of MS4 support, stormwater system inventory, inspections, and condition assessments, and designed, permitted, and constructed numerous infrastructure improvements for stormwater, roadways, and utilities. David has worked on flood studies, stream repairs and restorations, bridge and culvert installations, pump stations, neighborhood improvements, master plans, and dam repairs/upgrades. He has successfully designed and managed multiple SCMs/BMPs/GSI measures including constructed stormwater wetlands, wet and dry ponds, permeable pavements, infiltration measures, and bioretention systems. David is always ready to engage and provide a hand to help train and mentor the next generation, help improve stormwater conditions, and make the world a better place, one opportunity at a time.
When not at the office, David is often traveling around, exploring different cultures and climates. You can find David wandering through the woods, sitting beside a stream, or playing a round of disc golf.
What was your first job? My first paid job was delivering packages from the back of a van. My first industry job was with the Montana Department of Transportation
What is a favorite Timmons Group project you have worked on? Jeff Robertson Park Glowline Trail—the first glow-in-the-dark sidewalk on the East Coast! The Gravelly Hill Middle School Stormwater Wetland was another great project for water quantity and quality improvement.
What’s your dream vacation destination? The next couple on the list includes Ireland, New Zealand, southeast Asia, and Iceland.
What music are you currently listening to? A little bit of everything! Lately, it’s been classic rock, Disney songs, a cappella singing, or K-pop.
If you were not a civil engineer, what would you be? A professor—either for engineering or history between ancient Greece through the Middle Ages