Chris Gerecke

A self-professed geo-geek, Chris has been in the geospatial industry for over twenty-five years. Chris’s focus on any given workday is creatively solving technology and geospatial challenges. Chris directs the Solutions Development practice at Timmons Group which prides itself on developing intuitive technology solutions to generate significant Return on Investment (ROI) for our federal, state, tribal, and private forestry and fire clients. Chris’s group has a strategic focus on working with natural resource clients specifically in fish and wildlife, forestry, conservation, environmental, and wildland fire.

Chris graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Wake Forest University and received a Master’s degree in Environmental Studies from Virginia Commonwealth University. Chris loves spending time outside the office playing tennis and spending time with his wife and kids. Both of Chris’s kids play competitive junior tennis and he and his wife play year-round in USTA leagues. Chris is also a die-hard Philadelphia Eagles and Wake Forest basketball and football fan.


  • Music you are currently listening to? Lots of genres but I have an affinity for late 90’s grunge, punk, some metal, and post-grunge rock. I love live music and currently am listening to my Spotify AI DJ who has started throwing me some early 90’s punk recently (Fugazi, Minor Threat…)
  • Dream vacation destinations? Australia or New Zealand
  • A favorite project you’ve worked on? The development of the original IFRIS portal for Virginia Department of Forestry because it was the first spatial accomplishment project of its kind
  • Where did you grow up? Marlton, NJ – South Jersey (bordering the Pine Barrens!) – we do work with the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, so I get back there a bit now!
  • Favorite meal is? Anything on the grill