
Timmons Group provides transportation planning and engineering services for public and private sector clients. Our goal is to design infrastructure networks that provide safe and convenient access to local communities.

We focus on three primary aspects of surface transportation: (1) multimodal planning and operations, (2) traffic engineering design, and (3) roadway design.

Multimodal planning and operations is the analysis and modeling of networks, with an emphasis on intersections. Typical projects include corridor studies, access management, traffic impact studies, capacity analysis, and Highway Safety Improvement Projects (HSIP).

Traffic engineering design involves preparing design plans and implementation schedules for intersection treatments. Typical projects include traffic calming, isolated and coordinated signal systems, roundabout design and construction plans, transportation management plans, and work zone traffic control.

Roadway design projects are isolated intersections, corridors, and combinations of the two. We often integrate other services to support our transportation infrastructure projects: hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, stormwater management, environmental permitting and compliance, utility coordination and design, public involvement, and construction administration.

Timmons Group offers a variety of services

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Access Management
  • Asset Management using Geospatial Technology Tools
  • Collaborative Design for Context-Sensitive Solutions
  • Design-Build Project Delivery
  • Pedestrian & Bicycle Planning – Complete Streets
  • Real-Time Adaptive Traffic Signal Controls
  • Roundabouts & Alternative Intersection/Interchange Designs
  • Traffic Simulation & Modeling
  • Work Zone Traffic Control & Safety
  • Right-of-Way and Acquisition/Permitting


Jefferson Avenue Streetscape
Riverside Station Apartments
City of Poquoson – Annual Engineering Services Contract
Quaterpath at Williamsburg
Parkside Valley Dr / Summer Dr / Davis Dr Intersection Improvement
UNC Chapel Hill – West Drive Street Improvements
Grays Creek Utilities
US Route 1/138 Intersection Improvements
Turner Road Feasibility Study & Road Diet
Bengal Towne Centre
University Drive Extension Design
Atlee Road Extended