
Timmons Group understands that Economic Development is about building relationships — and partnerships. Our team comprises Engineers, Planners, Geographic Information System (GIS), and Environmental professionals who specialize in helping local governments attract and retain business, assisting employers with site evaluation and selection, and transforming brownfield sites, corridors, and buildings into highly marketable, revenue-producing assets.

The Timmons Group Economic Development team has developed and implemented a Timmons Group Tier System, now adopted by the Commonwealth of Virginia (through VEDP) and used throughout the region, to guide how land owners should strategically invest in getting a site ready for economic development success. We know the odds for closing a deal significantly increase with the higher level of preparedness and work closely with clients to take legitimate steps towards developing the property by implementing this system.


Hyperscale Multiple Phase Data Center Campus — Confidential
Stone Brewing’s East Coast Facility
Cardinal Commerce Center
Tier Site Assessments
600 Canal Place
The Vitamin Shoppe Distribution Center
Altria Warehouse Complex
TTi New Warehouse & Manufacturing Facility
Philip Morris USA Warehouse Complex
Amazon Fulfillment Centers
NASA Wallops Flight Facility