Timmons Group teamed with Faulconer Construction Company (FCC/Timmons team) to design and construct the Zion Crossroads Wastewater Plant Effluent Relocation project. The existing Zion Crossroads Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) discharged into the adjacent Camp Creek. Due to relatively low stream flows in Camp Creek, the WWTP had difficulty meeting discharge limits for Zinc and Copper. After considering many alternatives, the County of Louisa and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) determined that an acceptable alternative to meeting the discharge limits would be to relocate the discharge location to the South Anna River.
Since the WWTP produces effluent that meets the standards for Level 1 Reclaimed Water, the County decided to construct the new effluent relocation to permit the distribution of reclaimed water along the pipeline alignment. Additionally, the County identified the desire to take advantage of potential cost savings in concurrently constructing water and wastewater facilities eastward to the Ferncliff service area.
In response to the County’s RFP, the FCC/Timmons team evaluated many alignment alternatives for constructing the effluent main. Through these efforts, an alignment utilizing an existing electrical transmission right-of-way owned by the Central Virginia Electric Cooperative (CVEC) that extends from Zion Crossroads to Ferncliff was proposed. Due to its shorter length and increased installation production, this alignment proved to be far more cost effective than an alignment utilizing a Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) US Route 250 alignment as proposed by others. The CVEC alignment is approximately 51,000 LF 12” main versus 61,900 LF utilizing US Route 250.