Wendell EMS Station is along Wendell Boulevard, north of downtown Wendell. This project was a part of an overall EMS master plan, using a developed EMS substation prototype throughout Wake County. This project had a great impact on the community because it was replacing the old historic EMS station that has served the community for the last four decades. Due to the County’s eagerness to start construction, Timmons Group eliminated an erosion control permit, keeping the site under the land disturbance threshold. A bicycle lane was designed, setting a precedent to multi-modal transportation along Wendell Boulevard.
Keeping in mind the importance of vehicular movement off site, Timmons Group coordinated with local authorities to bore the waterline service under Wendell Boulevard. The team instructed the local providers on the relocation of the telecom and the gas transmission main relocation during the construction process. Timmons Group provided full civil engineering and landscape architecture services on this project along with delivering the County a full set of construction permits and construction administration.