Timmons Group was chosen as the lead Engineering and Technical Consultant for Virginia Economic Development Partnership’s (VEDP) Statewide Site Assessment Study, which included managing the overall project and Tier assessment of over 460 25+ acre sites that were in VEDP’s Virginia Scan system. Responsibilities also included collecting data from over 1,000 project contributors across Virginia, helping establish a statewide evaluation matrix to determine sites with the highest development potential throughout various regions of the Commonwealth, and estimating order of magnitude infrastructure development costs for each site.
Timmons Group implemented several technology tools to perform this study in a compressed timeframe (less than 6 months). The 1,000 project contributors included:
- Localities — Over 100 Virginia Localities
- Water and Sewer Providers — Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) and over 130 municipal utility providers
- Electric Companies — Dominion, AEP, and Electric Cooperatives
- Natural Gas Providers — Columbia Gas of Virginia, Virginia Natural Gas, Washington Gas and others
Fiber Providers — Mid-Atlantic Broadband, Comcast, Charter, Citizens, Cox, Shentel, and others - Economic Development Associations — VEDP, GO Virginia, and regional economic development groups