Timmons Group worked with University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill to repair West Drive in the heart of the campus. West Drive was a one-way street that had been heavily damaged by construction traffic and utility trenches. Timmons Group was hired to assess West Drive and some minor settlement around the adjacent Marsico Hall and provide recommendations for repairs and replacement of pavements. During construction, additional settlement and building waterproofing damage was found around Marsico Hall. UNC tasked Timmons Group with determining the cause and providing repair recommendations to mitigate these issues. The final project consisted of the removal and replacement of the asphalt, curb and gutter, and sidewalks along West Drive while converting the drive into two-way traffic and addressing accessibility and drainage issues. In addition, our traffic designers provided a traffic impact analysis and developed detailed traffic control phasing plans in order to keep pedestrian and vehicular routes clear and safe at all points during construction.