Timmons Group provided design, drafting and construction administration for the Turner Tract Elevated Water Tank, Well House, Wastewater Pump Station and Force Main projects. The elevated tank project included a 500,000 gallon elevated storage tank (Base Bid) with a Bid Alternate to build a 750,000 gallon tank. The tank will serve the Turner Tract Industrial Site and surrounding service area. The tank is filled by two onsite wells and a well house which contains meters and chlorine addition. The wells were permitted by VDH and DEQ, including DEQ’s Groundwater Withdrawal Permit process which included an Aquifer Test Plan. The wastewater projects included a 180 GPM suction lift pump station, 10’ diameter wet well and onsite emergency power generator with automatic transfer switch. The pump station discharges through 18,000’ of 6” force main to outfall located just upstream from the Courtland Interceptor Pump Station, also design by Timmons Group.