The traffic has been dropping off in recent years along Turner Road between two Urban Principal Arterial corridors (US Route 60 and US Route 360). The County hired Timmons Group to look at whether the existing five-lane section (two through lanes in each direction plus a continuous middle lane for left turners) could be re-purposed. We studied the corridor and evaluated various sections along the corridor that will have the lanes re-purposed for bicyclists and pedestrians. We developed multiple alternatives to be considered (low cost/short term through ultimate) for consideration. This solution involved a strict road diet in between the signalized intersections along with creative ways of re-using and/or sharing the asphalt with pedestrians and bicyclists.
Following the feasibility and safety study, Timmons Group’s traffic engineers provided the design plans for the pavement markings and signage along the 2-mile stretch of road. Timmons Group was able to repurpose the road to ensure it was more pedestrian and bicycle friendly.
The former 4-lane road was upgraded to a 2-lane road with bike lanes perfect for you to ride. The bike lanes provide access to the commercial areas around Midlothian Turnpike and Hull Street Road, as well as neighborhoods along Turner Road, Elkhardt Road, Cloverleaf Drive, and Dell Drive.
The Chesterfield County Bikeways and Trails Plan indicates that Turner Road should include a shared-use path or other improvements to allow more bicycle and pedestrian activity. The implementation of the road diet allowed a significant 2-mile portion of the Plan to be completed with no cost to the County or County taxpayers.