UVA Health System's Transitional Care Hospital is the first of its kind in the Charlottesville area, providing specalized treatment for individuals who requires longer stays than normal (25-28 days). Timmons Group provided engineering and consulting services relative to the planning and construction of the Hospital, including providing a drainage area study, parking analysis, a sanitary sewer analysis, and preparation of critical slopes waiver. Timmons Group also prepared and submitted a Virginia Stormwater Management Plan (VSMP) Registration Statement to the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation per state regulations for stormwater management. Finally, we provided construction administration and permitting services for the completion of the hospital.
The Transitional Care Hospital is a freestanding facility located in Northridge Medical Park off Ivy Road in Charlottesville, and provides convenient, fast access for patients in accordance with one of UVA Health System's goals. Another example of this is the new Medical Center at Zion Crossroads, east of the City.