Timmons Group was alerted of significant undermining and scour occurring on a shared used bridge at the Stonehenge Golf Course in August 2020. After a site visit and discussing several hydraulic rehabilitation options with the owner, the project proceeded as a bridge replacement. A private contractor was brought on to design and construct a shared-use bridge better equipped to withstand the hydraulic load at that crossing. Timmons Group’s structural design team evaluated the timber replacement structure and collected field measurements to inform an as-built load rating of the superstructure and substructure once construction was complete. The load rating results showed that the bridge was not strong enough for its intended traffic.
The Timmons Group team considered several options for improving the bridge’s capacity without replacement but eventually recommended that the owner replace the substructure a second time. The structural team developed a replacement design, sequence of construction, and construction plans. Timmons provided construction administration services, including submittal of a building permit, throughout. The project was completed in February 2021.