Working on behalf of the Economic Development Authority for City of Richmond, Timmons Group provided environmental due diligence services during the period of site evaluation to characterize the environmental conditions of the property prior to the start of construction.
As a US EPA brownfield-funded endeavor, the site presented many challenges related to its prior history which included the former usage of the adjoining properties. Timmons Group provided environmental scientists, geotechnical engineers, surveyors, and cultural/archaeological services to study the site history and existing environmental conditions. Utilizing the data, the design team worked with the owner and contractor to provide creative solutions to the site constraints.
Over a period of eight months, Timmons Group prepared a series of due diligence assessments which, because of US EPA brownfield grant requirements, had to be completed for each individual property but yet cohesive to the overall facility design. This requirement further applied to the required Sampling and Analysis Plans that had to be submitted for EPA approval as a preface to completing the series of Phase II ESAs that followed each of the individual Phase I ESAs. During the overall process, Timmons Group maintained open communication with City and Virginia DEQ officials to ensure a timely approach to maintain the proposed schedule for property acquisition and ultimately the start of construction.
The site was raised above the 100-year floodplain using a combination of imported soil fill, stone, and structural geopiers to enable the construction of the building pad. As a result of the foundation design and the suite of due diligence investigations, Timmons Group recommended the integration of appropriate mitigation measures to avert even the most remote of any potential remnant environmental risk.