As part of the site design of a new residential development, Timmons Group designed a new bridge that carries Sheehan Drive across Blackman Creek. The bridge is a 170-foot long, two-span prestressed concrete girder bridge that will span the Blackman Creek floodplain, resulting in no rise in the existing 100-year floodplain elevation.
The bridge is designed as jointless with a single pier and prestressed girders made continuous for live load and utilizing fully integral abutments. The bridge accommodates pedestrian and bicycle traffic and incorporates aesthetic features in the bridge railings.
Timmons Group’s structural engineers coordinated with our hydraulic and geotechnical engineers to ensure that the structure is adequately protected against scour. The bridge foundation elements are drilled shaft foundations.
While the bridge is initially funded by the developer, it is in VDOT’s inventory. Therefore, Timmons coordinated with both VDOT Richmond District and Chesterfield County on the bridge design to meet current VDOT standards.