Timmons Group is providing planning and design services to establish water and sewer infrastructure to serve Louisa County’s Shannon Hill Growth Area. Louisa County owns a 684+/- acre site on Shannon Hill Road with direct access to Interstate 64. Timmons Group performed preliminary engineering and design of approximately 7 miles of offsite 16” waterline and 12” force main currently under construction.
Timmons Group also provided easement acquisition services to obtain utility easements from 15 property owners along the offsite utility route. The onsite utility design includes a 1.5 million gallons per day (MGD) booster pump station and a 0.75 million gallon (MG) spheroid style elevated water storage tank with an overflow height of 175 feet, currently under construction. Approximately 8,800 linear feet of 16” water main, 7,400 linear feet of 12” sanitary sewer, two suction lift wastewater pump stations with over 1 MGD of capacity, and 8,400 linear feet of 8” and 12” force main are also currently being designed to provide water and sewer service within the growth area.