Timmons Group has provided biennial bridge safety inspections and load rating analyses for bridges, culverts, and ramp structures at Richmond International Airport in Henrico County, VA. Both the bridge safety inspections and load ratings were performed in accordance with the AASHTO Manual of Bridge Evaluation and applicable VDOT IIMs and standards. We have also performed bridge safety inspections on two culverts and an overhead structure servicing the departure gates.
The bridge safety inspections involved coordination with the Capital Region Airport Commission regarding allowable work hours, coordination with a traffic control subcontractor or maintenance of traffic, and procurement of appropriate bridge access equipment. The inspection fieldwork was completed by a certified Bridge Inspection Team Leader. Field notes and photographs were well documented for incorporation into a bridge inspection report, meeting all federal and state requirements.
The bridge load ratings were performed utilizing AASHTOWare BrR load rating software. The bridges were modeled based on the as-built plan information provided by the Capital Region Airport Commission. Supplemental hand calculations were provided to calculate dead loads and other program inputs. A load rating summary form was developed summarizing the analysis results and documenting modeling comments and assumptions.
Airport Drive over Clarkson Road: The bridge is a 99-foot-long single-span bridge utilizing prestressed concrete bulb-T girders. The girders bear on reinforced concrete integral abutments behind mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls.
Richard E. Byrd Terminal Drive over Airport Road: This bridge is a 135-foot-long single-span bridge utilizing steel plate girder abutments. The girders bear on a standard reinforced concrete abutment with an expansion joint. The abutments are located behind MSE walls.
East Side Lane over White Oak Swamp: This task included inspection of two separate culvert structures, over the North and South tributaries of White Oak Swamp. Each structure is a double-barrel reinforced concrete box culvert.
Elevated Departure Ramp Structure: The bridge consists of 37 spans, 30 feet each, utilizing reinforced concrete girders supported by reinforced concrete integral straddle bents. The approaches are supported by mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls. This inspection utilized a thermal imaging camera to detect concrete deficiencies.