The Person County Mega Park (Mega Park) project is situated on an approximately 175-acre site located roughly five miles north of Roxboro in Person County, North Carolina. The project is part of a larger 1,350-acre site, also known as the Person County Megasite and formerly known as Project Trace. The purpose of the project is to develop a semiconductor chip manufacturing plant at the Mega Park to bring significant economic relief to the citizens of Person County.
The project is anticipated to be 2.35 million square feet in size and includes a central operations facility to house a clean room, manufacturing spaces, office spaces, a mechanical yard, vehicular load deck areas, and associated parking. The proposed design also identifies locations and sizes for stormwater control measures to be installed as part of the proposed project. The final location and layout of the project (the Preferred Alternative) was chosen after analysis of the larger 1,350-acre site determined that locating the project along the existing ridgeline will avoid impacts to second order streams and wetlands on the property.
To accomplish the goals of the project, approximately 8,623 linear feet of stream impacts and 1.18 acres of wetland impacts are proposed. These impacts include the fill of wetlands and streams for grading and construction and the redirection of streams to stormwater control devices through culverts for road crossings. To address these impacts, the Applicant submitted an Individual Permit Request for impacts to wetlands and waters of the U.S. associated with the project to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources (NCDEQ/DWR). The USACE issued the 404 Permit on September 15, 2020, and NCDEQ/DWR issued the 401 Water Quality Certification on May 28, 2020; both permits are valid for 10 years and will expire on December 31, 2030.
Person County has identified the Mega Park project as an economic development priority.