Timmons Group was responsible for the completion of transportation services for the signal upgrade at the intersection of Parkside Valley Drive / Summer Sky Drive / Davis Drive in Morrisville, NC. Contracted directly with the Town, the proposed transportation services were completed in response to the construction of the proposed Parkside Elementary School. Transportation services consisted of 1) a traffic impact study determining the required geometric and pedestrian improvements at the subject intersection and 2) the completion of signal design and roadway design plans for the aforementioned intersection improvements. The study analyzed three (3) conditions (AM and PM peak period): 1) Existing Year Traffic 2) Future Year No-Build and 3) Future Year Build. The study included traffic data collection of 2 intersections and analysis of 1 intersection. Timmons Group was contracted directly with the Town to complete the construction administration for the aforementioned improvements.
As part of this project, Timmons Group was responsible for the creation of traffic signal / electrical wiring details at the subject intersection. The traffic signal will include an Econolite TS-2 (NC-8A) cabinet with ASC/3-2070 controller. Pedestrian detection / actuation was included as part of the design. Roadway designs were created based on project recommendations and project surveys were completed including GPS project controls, right-of-way location, existing conditions survey, and base mapping preparation.
Upon completion, the Town of Morrisville, Town of Cary, and NCDOT reviewed and approved the traffic analyses, signal design plans, and roadway design plans. Timmons Group was contracted directly with the Town of Morrisville to complete the project Construction Administration to help select a contractor, review and monitor construction project, and assist the City with invoicing and project change orders. Have attending weekly construction meetings and have met with the Contractor, Town, and NCDOT onsite on several occasions. The project was constructed on schedule. Timmons Group, along with the Town of Morrisville, Town of Cary, NCDOT, and Contractor conducted a final walk through in mid-November 2020.