Timmons Group successfully guided the design process for the project so that construction was able to start within 60 days of notice to proceed. This fast track approval of the site to allow land disturbance was due in large part to the knowledge and expertise that Timmons Group brought to the design team and the institutional knowledge and understanding of the vision the Owner had for the project.
The site chosen for the new production facility included the reuse of a brown field site of 30 acres in the City of Hopewell that had been previously designated an EPA Superfund site. Energy Savings are unknown. The new plant is estimated to produce 60 million gallons of barley-based ethanol and feed per year. Using barley instead of corn offers some obvious advantages, including lower cost, lower cost of production, better land utilization and lower risk for the farmer who grows it.
Timmons Group prepared the site plan design including access, road, grading, utility and drainage plans with details. The design required drainage and stormwater management and BMPs. We also conducted underground inspection of the existing storm sewer system; provided design of transportation improvements and rail spur layout; landscape architecture and environmental permitting assistance services. An erosion and sediment control plan was prepared as well as cut and fill quantities for: primary and fire land roads and turn in road areas; pipe areas for utilities and fill quantities for a proposed berm.
Timmons Group also attended meetings with the City Engineering staff and Virginia American Water Company related to utility service and fire line design. We coordinated with the Fire Marshall for fire line sizing and material type.