Timmons Group was contracted to assist with Act of Nature Emergency Repairs for the North Carolina National Guard (NCNG) Camp Butner Training Center (CBTC) in Spring of 2020. Jerry Thomas Road sustained significant damage from Hurricane Florence, resulting in damage to the existing gravel road including the complete blow-out of several major culverts. A limited window was available to make the repairs due to funding requirements.
Due to the nature of the site, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR) requirements, use of a non-reporting Nationwide Permit 3 was not possible, and a Pre-Construction Notification for Nationwide Permit 14 was required.
An expedited Wetlands and Waters of the U.S. Delineation was completed to verify the extent of federal and state jurisdictional areas, including Neuse River Stream Buffers. Due to a short window to obtain 401/404 approval, with Impact Map-level plans ready at the end of July and a need for permits in-hand by October 1st, the Environmental team worked concurrently with the Engineering team to ensure 401/404 permit applications could be submitted and approved quickly and with minimal agency hold-ups.
Requests for a USACE Jurisdictional Determination and DWR Buffer Determination were completed in the Spring. Immediately following confirmation, Pre-Application Consultation was initiated with both agencies, including emailed consultation and a formal meeting to go over anticipated impacts and potential areas of concern.
Due to the accelerated efforts, both the 401 and 404 permit approvals were obtained by September 4th, almost a full month ahead of schedule.