Timmons Group worked with the City of Waynesboro, VA to retrofit an existing 11 acre dry detention basin to a constructedwetland to maximize the pollutant removal efficiency of a functioning water quantity BMP. Additional improvements in the project area included conversion of an existing road side ditch to a grassed channel, as well as watershed modeling and improvement recommendations for adjacent CIP areas.
The project was funded by DEQ Stormwater Local Assistance Funds (SLAF,) obtained through a grant application developed by Timmons Group, and the VA Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (VACWRLF.) The project will enable the City to document over 300 lbs of phosphorus removal from a singular project in an effort to comply with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL.
In addition to developing design documents, construction drawings, and the bid package, Timmons Group provided bidding assistance, utility coordination, environmental permitting, geotechnical exploration, SWPPP development, and construction administration services.
The project was also the winner of a 2017 Best Urban BMP in the Bay award (BUBBA) for Best Habitat Creation in a BMP and was named a Recognized Project in the EPA PISCES (Performance and Innovation in the SRF Creating Environment Success) program.