Timmons Group assisted with the preparation of a Community-Based Corrections Plan and Planning Study for the potential design and construction of two regional jail facilities to serve Brunswick, Dinwiddie and Mecklenburg Counties, Virginia and began advising the new Jail Authority on issues relative to the opening of the facilities.
During the Planning Phase, Timmons Group provided engineering services to determine how to best provide water and sewer service to the new jail. Water service alternatives included constructing on-site wells with treatment versus connection to the Town of Lawrenceville system approximately five miles away. Sewer alternatives were evaluated including the construction of an on-site 100,000 gpd wastewater treatment plant versus conveyance of sewer to the Town of Lawrenceville approximately eight miles away.
Numerous off-site utility routes were considered for water and sewer alternatives. Routes were evaluated for ease of construction, life-cycle cost, availability of right-of-way, environmental and Department of Transportation permitting, comprehensive land use planning and other potential customers that could benefit from the utilities. Evaluation of alternatives for connection of utilities to the Town of Lawrenceville included assistance in drafting and negotiation of water and sewer service contracts between the Town of Lawrenceville and Brunswick County.
Following the completion of the jail planning study effort, Timmons Group was again contracted to provide civil engineering design services for construction of the new jail facility in Brunswick County using a design-build contract under Virginia’s Public Private Education Act (PPEA) process. This design scope included: complete on and off-site water and sewer design, including the design of an upgrade to an existing water booster pump station to 250 GPM, a new 265 GPM suction lift pump station, which is upgradeable to 530 GPM, a new 250,000 gallon elevated storage tank and linework consisting of 40,000 LF of 8” PVC force main, 35,000 LF of 8-10” Waterline and 3,000 LF of 8-15” Gravity Sewer.