Meadowville Technology Park is a world-class business center that will attract high-tech industries to Chesterfield County. Timmons Group worked with the property owners and members of the Chesterfield County Economic Development Department on all phases of readying this property. The initial phases investigated the feasibility of developing the site for such high-tech industries. The current master plan calls for integrated mixed-uses surrounding a center village.
Our team has worked with the County completing a comprehensive Preliminary Engineering Reports and masterplan providing detailed comprehensive services for this large economic development initiative. The master planning effort included layout, stormwater, utilities, geotechnical, vibration, air quality, cultural resource and environmental investigations for a 1,600-acre site along I-295 in the eastern area of the County. Our team also facilitated a ULI Technical Assistance Panel to assist with master planning efforts that transformed the park towards its current vision.
The environmental issues included wetlands delineation and permitting strategies for a regional stormwater management plan. The vibration evaluation tested for sensitive uses in the semi-conductor industry; the air quality evaluation tested for intake air supply needs and requirements; the geotechnical evaluation related to heavy industrial uses sensitive to settlement.
The entrance design for Meadowville Technology Park in Chesterfield, Virginia integrates careful selection of stone and wood with large massing of plants to create a gateway to the industrial/office park. This dynamic landscape sets the tone for the character of the entire park as it continues to develop to full build-out. The design has established a template for the continuation of a complementary streetscape in all areas of the park.
Taking into account distant vantage points and traffic flow, the design incorporates extended sweeps of meadow species, flowering cherries, blooming shrubs and evergreen screening to complement the native woodlands beyond. Plantings maintain a lively and colorful aesthetic throughout the seasons. The modest fieldstone retaining walls frame Meadowville’s main entrance and provide the proper visual proportions as the landmark tower announces arrival to the Park. Sweeping land forms transition to a linear streetscape consisting of graceful River Birches, native trees indigenous to this area.
Alongside the firm’s investment in physically connecting the technology park through interstate interchange, landscape architecture, stormwater, water/wastewater, and traffic designs, Timmons Group’s teams also led the re-branding efforts that connect the park to the digital world and local community.