Marsh Creek Field Operation’s New Machine Shop was a project for the City of Raleigh’s Parks and Recreation Department to abate and remove an existing 2,330 SF storage building and construct a 3,760 square foot, one story, metal building. This metal building would be used to maintain the city’s lawn mowers and maintenance equipment. During the scoping of the project, the Timmons Group discovered that the entire Field Operations Facility was not served by any local fire hydrants which would become problematic during site and building permitting. To avoid permitting delays, the Timmons Group informed the owner and was authorized to include water main extension permitting to bring fire projection to the entire field operations facility. In addition to the water main extension hurdles, the new construction was adjacent the facility’s existing driveways and the Timmons Group had to account for phasing of the improvements so that it was as least impactful to the owner’s operations as possible. Other general site work on the project included, cast-in-place concrete retaining walls, utility work and landscaping.