Timmons Group provided civil engineering, landscape architecture, and environmental services for a new retirement community in Lansdowne, Virginia. The facility is 152,000 SF with 162 suites and support spaces on the ground floor.
Timmons Group developed a Zoning Map Amendment (ZMAP) to allow for retirement residence use and a Site Plan (STPL) application under the Economic Development Fast Track program. As with every application, Timmons Group worked closely with the Owner to prepare and deliver multiple public presentations to the Lansdowne residents, the Lansdowne Conservancy Board, Loudoun County Planning and Zoning Staff, and the Board of Supervisors.
The ZMAP application was reviewed and commented on by a variety of local authorities including Loudoun Water, county planning and zoning staff, county building and development staff, in addition to hearings in front of the Loudoun County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. The task also included meetings and coordination with the client, zoning staff, Loudoun Water, VDOT, and the county attorney. The Zoning applications along with the Lansdowne Conservancy approvals were obtained within the 8-month schedule.
The site plan (STPL) for the project was challenging for several reasons. From a geotechnical engineering perspective, the project site had a very shallow depth to bedrock such that grading, drainage and utility extensions plans needed to be efficient to avoid extensive rock removal. The adjacent property, Poets Walk, was under design concurrently. Timmons Group took the lead with continuous communication with other consulting engineers to ensure utility extensions, grading and site construction access was maintained. Timmons Group coordinated with Loudoun Water on the design of water and sewer main extensions to the project site and to Poets Walk to ensure coordination of design for the two projects.