Timmons Group completed an ASTM Standard E 1527-13 Phase I ESA of the approximately 111-acre breakbulk marine terminal in association with the facility being converted to an offshore wind/maritime industrial park. Based on the history of the site over the last 100 years, with extensive railroad activity, in addition to current operations, the Phase I ESA identified several recognized environmental conditions for which Timmons Group recommended the completion of an ASTM Standard E 1903-16 Phase II ESA.
The Phase II ESA included the advancement of 16 Geoprobe® direct-push borings across the site to enable the collection of soil and groundwater samples for analysis of suspect contaminants. The results did not identify any regulatory-reportable concentrations for the analyzed parameters as related to potential risk. As such, the measured soil and groundwater concentrations, as assessed, were determined not to present a risk to human health and/or the environment. Any concentrations that exceed regulatory limits were suspectedly connected to the historical and current usage of the Site as an intermodal shipping facility. Therefore, Timmons Group recommended no further action to satisfy due diligence requirements. However, any graded or stockpiled soil from future industrial redevelopment was recommended to be sampled for proper disposal.