The LEED Silver-certified Joint-Use Intelligence Analysis Facility (JUIAF) was designed for occupancy of 1,000 people and parking for 625 vehicles and is located on over 47 acres at Rivanna Station, Virginia, located just north of Charlottesville in Albemarle County. It houses the analytical functions of the Defense Intelligence Agency, a Department of Defense combat support agency, and the National Ground Intelligence Center, a component organization of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command.
Bridging documents associated with this project identified a number of environmental permitting challenges unresolved at the time of award. Timmons Group staff immediately recognized the time sensitivity of these items, including endangered species requirements, significant stormwater management challenges, environmental permitting documentation requirements, and final permitting approvals required for construction commencement. Timmons Group addressed these challenges through diligent pursuit of issue resolution and was able to keep the project design and construction schedule on course through the successful completion of the project. Additional environmental services provided by Timmons Group include streambank stabilization design and construction assistance, preparation, approval, and compliance monitoring of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and associated Virginia Stormwater Management Permit for Construction Activities associated with the project construction and stabilization and coordination with adjacent property owners.