The County of Henrico identified a need for sediment load reduction to Hoehns Lake. High erosion rates were attributing to an unsightly amount of sediment being deposited into the lake and adjacent homeowners asked the county for a solution.
This project included the preparation of complete design plans and specifications for the restoration of approximately 1,600 linear feet of stream channel. The project extended from approximately 500 feet downstream of the existing lake near the West End Manor Civic Association to approximately 850 feet upstream of Hoehns Lake. The project also involved working around existing sanitary sewer, powerlines and communication lines. An existing exposed sanitary sewer line had to be encased in concrete along with relocation and lining of other sanitary pipes that crossed the proposed stream channel.
The County also tasked Timmons Group with estimating the removal rates of nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment based on the regulations for nutrient load reduction. Timmons Group estimated that total nitrogen would be reduced by 545 pounds per year, total phosphorus would be reduced by 59 pounds per year, and that the total amount of sediment would be reduced by 19,735 pounds per year.