Timmons Group completed an updated Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance with ASTM Standard E 1527-13 for this 3.73-acre site located within the downtown/Central Business District area of Durham, NC. The subject property consists of a multi-family residential apartment building, an attached one-story office and multi-purpose common area, a parking lot, and associated greenspace. The site was evaluated for renovation of the existing apartment building and construction of a new building for continued multi-family residential usage.
The Phase I ESA included reviewing reasonably available federal and state environmental regulatory records, site reconnaissance, photo-documentation, interviews, reviewing and evaluating reasonably available historical maps and data regarding the subject property and immediate vicinity, and preparing the Phase I ESA report. The report evaluated the presence of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) and/or areas of potential environmental concern both on-site and on the adjoining properties that could affect the environmental integrity of the subject property. RECs were not identified for the subject property or adjoining properties as defined by ASTM Standard E 1527-13. However, due to the age of construction of the existing building (1978), Timmons Group advised the client that property redevelopment will prompt the necessity of a detailed hazardous building materials assessment being completed to locate and quantify the presence of asbestos, lead-based paint, mercury, and other such materials for removal ahead of renovation/demolition.