The residents of Handy Lane have long suffered the presence of ponded water at a tee intersection leading to their properties. This large puddle breeds mosquitoes, dirties vehicles, and frequently inhibits both regular and emergency access to the homes. Timmons Group investigated two alternatives to remediate this drainage issue, one traditional and one low impact development technique. The traditional solution to this issue would be to install a storm drain inlet and pipe; however, the nearest, public storm drain system is roughly 750 feet away and accessible only through a total of nine private properties. The alternative solution involves a section of pervious pavers in combination with a gravel wetland feature to provide a dry driving surface and an opportunity for evapo-transpiration of the water. The alternative solution was chosen and will save the City and its tax payers approximately $225,000 while fixing a long standing drainage issue.
Project Highlights
- Design alternatives analysis and feasibility study
- Public meeting to present options
- Hydrology and hydraulic analysis
- Engineering design
- Landscape architecture
- Contractor procurement assistance
- Construction administration
- Collaboration with an Emerging Small Business Partner for design and as-built survey,
- utility designation and easement plat preparation