Under contract with the City of Richmond, Timmons Group completed an ASTM Standard E 1527-13 Phase I ESA to identify potential environmental contaminants based on the usage history of the site that could inhibit property redevelopment.
Based on the Phase I ESA results, Timmons Group recommended and completed an ASTM Standard E 1903-11 Phase II ESA with the associated collection of surface/subsurface soils, groundwater, and vapor samples for analysis of potential contaminants as a basis for refining the assessment of environmental risks. As a compliment, Timmons Group also coordinated the completion of lead and asbestos surveys of the on-site structures. In association with Phase II ESA completion, Timmons Group submitted an application and received a state brownfield assessment grant in addition to enrolling the site in the Department of Environmental Quality – Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP).
Enrollment in the VRP required an expansion of the scope of project study to a more comprehensive level of site characterization which included the excavation of test pits and the advancement of soil borings with monitoring well installation. The initial draft of the Site Characterization Report (SCR) was submitted in 2017 which, per VRP guidelines, included the formal identification of the contaminants of concern which were applied to a quantitative risk assessment. By the time of draft completion, the City of Richmond had decided to demolish the existing structures and supporting infrastructure before initiating subsurface remediation. Timmons Group and City of Richmond representatives, with concurrence by the DEQ case manager, therefore decided to delay finalizing the SCR until after demolition was complete and to use the demolition of the subsurface infrastructure components of the facility to further characterize the site.
Since submittal of the draft SCR, Timmons Group has continued to monitor and sample the groundwater monitoring wells on-site to measure the degree of ongoing natural attenuation of the identified contaminants.