The City of Richmond is taking steps to make city streets safer and more convenient for walking and bicycling. Timmons Group managed the concept design and public engagement initiatives for the city’s first RVA Bike-Walk Street – Floyd Avenue.
The residential study area includes over 25 intersections between Carytown and Monroe Park. The vision is to optimize bicycling traffic while preserving access and mobility for motor vehicles. The concept design incorporates traffic calming treatments such as neighborhood circles and bump-outs to increase safety and comfort along the neighborhood street while reducing vehicle speeds.
The community was engaged with the project for several months, beginning with an outdoor mobile workshop. Neighbors and business owners will continue to play a key role through the final design and construction phases of the project.
The project is expected to be approved by City Council in fall 2014 and constructed within a year. Floyd Avenue will play an important part in promoting bicycling as a viable form of transportation.