Timmons Group staff was requested to provide Flood Study Reviews in 2019 for the Town of Wake Forest to supplement the Town work force. Timmons Group provides flood study review and comments for Town staff on flood studies submitted for review for development projects. Additionally, Timmons Group assists in answering questions received by Town staff regarding Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) compliance with Town floodplain requirements.
Document reviews include compliance with Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) guidance for no-rise certifications, and local floodplain administrator compliance with Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) regulations. Reviews have included the following projects.
- Floodplain ordinance compliance for various individual homeowners for additions of ancillary structures into the floodplain
- Richland Creek LOMR submittal for an aerial sewer crossing review and concurrence
- Greenway Village LOMR-F compliance review
- Austin Creek greenway extension no-rise review and approval,
- Friendship Chapel Road extension on Dunn Creek CLOMR review and concurrence.
- Smith Creek Greenway Phase II and Phase III no-rise review and approval
- The Forest at Franklin Development Flood Study Spring Branch no-rise review
- Regency at Heritage no-rise review
- Greenway Trail Richland Creek no-rise with recommendations for follow up LOMR due to BFE reductions exceeding 0.10 foot
Reports submitted to the Town and submitted HEC-RAS modeling were reviewed for correctness and compliance with FEMA and Town ordinances. Detailed comments were issued for documentation clarifications/additions and modeling questions/corrections. Written comments were issued on initial and subsequent submittals to the Town for issuance to the project engineer. The comments were discussed with the Town Engineer to review issues to be resolved in the re-submittal documents. Responses to comments and subsequent reviews were completed until the documents and modeling followed Town of Wake Forest and FEMA requirements.