Located west of the Village of Powhatan and east of the existing elementary and high schools, the 200 acre Fighting Creek Park site is in Powhatan’s community center. The rolling hills are covered with large hardwood trees that canopy most of the site in ideal woodland conditions. This is a perfect setting for a County park that will host active and passive recreation, a community trail system and related development.
Timmons Group provided engineering and construction services for Phase II of the park, which consisted of constructing four-(4) competition size youth league baseball diamonds and a concession building, along with sports lighting, fencing, irrigation, concrete walkways, and asphalt parking. The project is the second phase of the Master Park Plan developed by Timmons Group. Phase I, consisting of three-(3) soccer fields and a concession building, was also designed by Timmons Group. Common to both projects was assistance from the local Virginia National Guard 180th Horizontal Engineering Battalion with clearing and grading operations in the early stages of each project. Because they specialize in heavy earth moving equipment, this provided valuable training to the troops as well as saving the County significant construction dollars. Timmons Group worked closely with County staff to coordinate this effort and to transition the remaining work to a public procurement process. One of the challenges associated with Phase II was to re-topo the site after the National Guard had completed their work, followed by adjusting design grades on the fields and the parking lots to achieve an earth balance as close as possible. Special features on the project include state of the art fencing, scoreboards, and field surfaces for competition play.