The County of Henrico identified a need for sediment load-reduction to an existing stream channel located on the Dunncroft Park and Hungary Creek Middle School properties. High erosion rates attributed to steep banks and severe erosion along the existing channel within the park area. In addition, the County Parks Department maintained an existing frisbee golf course that crossed the stream in several locations. The stream improvements were designed to incorporate the golf course and provide specific crossing locations for park patrons to use lessening the impacts to the stream channel.
This project included the preparation of complete design plans and specifications for the restoration of approximately 2,240 linear feet of stream channel. The project extended within the park area to approximately 500 feet downstream of the school entrance road. The County also tasked Timmons Group with estimating the removal rates of nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment based on the upcoming regulations for nutrient load-reduction. Timmons Group estimated the total nitrogen would be reduced by 588 pounds per year, total phosphorus would be reduced by 92 pounds per year, and that the total amount of sediment would be reduced by 31,765 pounds per year.