Dare County replaced their aging Animal Shelter facility with a new facility on County owned land adjacent to the Dare County Regional Airport in Manteo, NC. The site currently contains the Dare County Emergency Operations Center and Regional 911 Communications Center and a public dog park. The dog park was relocated on site to accommodate the new 8,800 sf animal shelter. The new shelter holds up to 32 dogs and 60 cats and contains four different dog yards: two small yards will provide outdoor areas for dogs in isolation or protective custody, a large play yard for dogs available for adoption, and a small dog yard to showcase dogs available for adoption.
Timmons Group provided topographical survey for the site in addition to civil design. Civil design includes fencing and relocation of equipment associated with the existing dog park, access drive and parking for the animal shelter, a watermain extension for domestic water and fire suppression, stormwater and erosion control design and permitting, and design of an on-site wastewater system utilizing pre-treatment to address concerns associated with waste from an animal shelter and a pump system for a low-pressure pipe septic disposal field.
This was a Construction Management at Risk project. The design team was chosen by the county and the CM at Risk was solicited based on 35% complete design plans.