The Timmons Group team conducted a Phase I Archaeological Survey for the proposed 230kV transmission line expansion project in Currituck County, North Carolina, under contract to Dominion North Carolina Power. The project involves upgrading an existing transmission line and widening the transmission line right-of-way (ROW) by 60 feet (18 meters) along the northern and eastern sides of the existing line. The project area spans approximately 11 miles (17.7 kilometers) between the existing substation in the community of Shawboro and the tap point in Aydlett.
The Phase I survey aimed to support planning efforts by determining the presence or absence of archaeological resources within the proposed ROW expansion. The team conducted background research and field reconnaissance to develop an appropriate survey strategy and then implemented it. The survey results include recommendations regarding the potential National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility of identified resources and suggested treatment approaches.