Timmons Group is providing stormwater-related engineering and consulting servicesincluding permitting, planning and design for the City. The City currently operates undera National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate StormSewer System (MS4) permit. We are working with the City to identify discrete taskorder projects to assist with the planning, development, and execution of its StormwaterManagement Program to meet the applicable requirements of the MS4 Permit, theVSMP regulations, and the City’s adopted Capital Improvements Program.
Services consist of providing assistance in implementing program lements within thecurrent permit, as well as providing technical support in drafting and submission ofannual reports and permit updates as required by Virginia DEQ. Services include, butare not limited to:
- Preparation of a Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan (Action Plan) that will cover the City’s regulated MS4. The Action Plan will assist with meeting the Special Condition for the Chesapeake Bay TMDL (Section I. C) in the City’s MS4 Permit
- Performing dry weather screening of up to 50 stormwater outfalls to implement the City’s Illicit Discharge Detection Program
- Developing written procedures for good housekeeping on City-owned/operated facilities
- Presentation with the City’s Engineering Division to include other City Departments/ Divisions that share responsibility for implementation of the MS4 Permit Program Plan to discuss permit requirements, responsibilities by Department/Division, and summarize the importance of compliance