We currently hold a civil and environmental engineering term contract with Christopher Newport University. As part of the Integrated Sciences Center, Phase III project, we recently provided topographic survey & base map that included a field survey locating the horizontally and vertically existing physical improvements and physical features within the project limits. This includes buildings, parking lots, roads, sidewalks, ditches, tree lines, and utilities such as manholes, pedestals, transformers, poles, etc. Spot elevations were observed sufficient to produce contours at 1-foot intervals. Elevations of sanitary sewer manholes, drainage structures, and features were collected. Buried pipe invert elevations were determined by measuring the depth of each from the top of the structure if accessible. A topographic base map was prepared from field-collected data to accurately depict the existing site conditions.
For the Subsurface Utility Designation, an underground utility survey was performed to designate and map underground facilities on the site. This utility survey included horizontal designation through geophysical methods and is defined as Quality Level “B” by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Lastly, we conducted a field survey for Luter Hall’s finished floor elevations. This was to determine the elevations of each of the three floor levels of Luter Hall. Elevations will be observed at the two locations on each flow which correspond to future points of connection between the existing building and the proposed building.
2020 – 2022 MS4 Program Evaluation and Support
As a Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), the Virginia General VPDES Permit (GP) for Discharges of Stormwater from Small MS4s requires Christopher Newport University (CNU) to develop and implement a comprehensive stormwater management program consistent with the GP. CNU has selected Timmons Group to evaluate and update their MS4 Program since fall of 2019. Our team performed a review of CNU’s MS4 Program to ensure their Program Plan met all GP requirements by conducting a Stormwater Program Evaluation and Gap Analysis. This analysis identified non-compliance issues in the MS4 Program Plan, which was later updated and implemented. Timmons Group also developed the MS4 Annual Report for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 reporting years. This review process has also allowed CNU to better prepare for future development or redevelopment and identify future revisions or updates as needed to maintain compliance.