
On behalf of Dominion Energy (Dominion), the Timmons Group team conducted an assessment of a cemetery encountered by construction crews working on TL 229/360 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina. The team visually inspected the area and flagged all graves presenting visible surface evidence. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveyed the transmission line ROW to identify any graves not evident through surface indicators alone. After the GPR survey, the team documented all visible graves and subsurface GPR anomalies, confirming a total of 29 burials.

After completing cemetery documentation, the team installed safety fencing to cordon off the cemetery and an outlying subsurface anomaly. The team implemented a plan to continue construction work. Archaeologists monitored the excavation of soils within the new structure support cans for any cultural deposits, and no cultural materials or human remains appeared. The team coordinated with the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology to complete a cemetery site form, which accompanied a report detailing the cemetery assessment.