Timmons Group provided design services for the ½ mile extension of Atlee Road from the existing cul-de-sac in Rutland Commons to Atlee Station Road in Hanover County. The goal of this Revenue Sharing project is to increase capacity for future traffic demands in the area.
Atlee Station Road is classified as a Major Collector, providing an important link between US Route 301 and the I-95/Atlee-Elmont interchange and carries weekday traffic volumes in excess of 10,000 Vehicles Per Day near its connection to US Route 301. The residential neighborhoods flanking the corridor and adjacent schools are the primary traffic generators in the corridor. Rutland, a 202-acre mixed-use development abuts US Route 301 and is another significant traffic generator in the corridor. Atlee Road has been extended north of US Route 301; however it dead-ends at the development boundary. Several improvements have been completed in recent years to address safety and capacity issues in the corridor. Residential zonings approved in the corridor represent 600 new units or the equivalent of 6,000 additional trips per day. Linking Atlee Road and Atlee Station Road will address anticipated growth in the corridor and is consistent with the County’s Major Thoroughfare Plan.
The Atlee Road-Atlee Station Road connection will be the primary thoroughfare and connection to US Route 301; the existing two-lane section of Atlee Station Road between its proposed connection with Atlee Road and US Route 301 will remain to serve primarily local traffic.
Additionally, our Structures Group evaluated a Value Engineering proposal submitted to Hanover County by the Contractor. The original design included a single span bridge 137’ long, and the VE proposal included the addition of a second 40’ span. Our structural engineers reviewed and made recommendations to the County based on concerns over uplift in the shorter span, potential maintenance issues if a deck joint were utilized, and possible site distance issues for the re-aligned roadway below the bridge.