Timmons Group provided single-point, multi-discipline engineering services for the proposed repower of the existing Leeward Aragonne Mesa Wind project in Guadalupe County and the addition of a second phase, near Santa Rosa, New Mexico. The current project boundary encompasses approximately 55 square miles of land.
The existing project will be re-powered with bigger rated new turbines to replace the existing 90 turbines. The existing collector substation will require major modification, a new collector substation will be added, and a new 138 kV generator tie line will be constructed to connect the new collector sub to the existing Aragonne substation. The Project ownership is developing a 90 MW Re-Power (total replacement of all existing Wind Turbine Generators (“WTG(s)”) and foundations and a 145 MW Expansion of its Aragonne Wind project located in Guadalupe County, New Mexico. The existing project, which is to be re-powered, the Aragonne Mesa wind farm (“Aragonne Mesa”), is a 90-MW project consisting of 90 MHI MWT-1000A (1 MW) Wind Turbine Generators (“WTG”) which have a 69-meter hub height. Aragonne Mesa is owned and operated by affiliates of Leeward Renewable Energy (“LRE”). The Aragonne Mesa project is connected to the grid by a 138 kV, 20.38-mile overhead line, rated at 205 MVA [795 ACSR], with the last 700 feet being an underground cable. The Project output will be delivered to an existing 138/345 kV station, owned by Leeward, which will be the Project’s point of interconnection (POI) and interconnects to the 345 kV Public Service New Mexico’s (PNM) Guadalupe substation.