Timmons Group performs bridge and culvert load rating analyses in accordance with the AASHTO Manual of Bridge Evaluation (MBE) and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. We have experience analyzing a diverse portfolio of structures including steel and prestressed girder bridges, concrete slab bridges, rigid frames, concrete spandrel arches, and steel and concrete culverts.
Most of our analyses utilize the AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) software. For more complex structures, we have experience in finite element modeling (FEM) programs such as LARSA and CANDE. In addition to experience in a wide array of software programs, Timmons Group also has the experience and technical expertise to develop unique load rating analysis calculations by hand for both superstructure and substructure elements.
We are able to combine our expertise in both load rating and inspection of structures to model deterioration and past rehabilitations in order to determine a revised load rating capacity.
Timmons Group has performed load rating services for localities and private structure owners across the state of Virginia