Henrico County staff identified a need for restoration of approximately 1,100 linear feet along an unnamed tributary to Hungary Creek on the existing Virginia Home for Boys and Girls (VHBG) site. This section of existing channel is located upstream of the Hungary Creek stream restoration project that was previously completed by the County. The erosion from this part of the channel is impacting the downstream section and causing a hazard to the existing utilities and buildings on the VHBG site.
The engineering work included preparation of complete design plans and specifications for the restoration of approximately 1,100 linear feet of stream channel. Initial removal rate calculations have estimated that total nitrogen would be reduced by 414 pounds per year, total phosphorus would be reduced by 124 pounds per year, and that the total amount of sediment would be reduced by 42,697 pounds per year. Timmons Group assisted the County in securing project funding through the VA DEQ’s Stormwater Local Assistance Fund.