Timmons Group was reselected in the fall of 2018 for a fourth consecutive annual service contract with the City of Norfolk to provide various civil engineering services with a focus on stormwater management and transportation. Under this contract, we have disseminated regulatory and programmatic information to staff; resolved neighborhood flooding issues; identified and implemented water quality best management practices; performed extensive stormwater inventory and conditions assessment, watershed modeling and master planning; been available for post-storm damage assessments and evaluations; and quantified the cost of City wide upgrades to stormwater infrastructure necessary to address precipitation flooding. Timmons Group regularly conducts topographic survey, wetland delineation and permitting as well as geotechnical and post-design services for design tasks awarded under this contract.
We constantly look for opportunities to achieve multiple objectives with individual projects. Greenway Park Stormwater Retrofit is a perfect example of a water quality retrofit that also provided flood control for a neighborhood along the shoreline that experienced frequent flooding. Adjacent to Greenway Park is Llewellyn Avenue. Impassible during high tides, a multiple objective design was implemented to raise and level the road profile and improve traffic flow by introducing bidirectional traffic and providing pedestrian improvements.
Timmons Group has had the opportunity to take many of these projects from cradle to grave, evaluation through construction administration. Additional task orders included:
- Azalea Garden Road & Kennebeck Ave Drainage Improvements
- Burleigh Avenue Roadway Improvements
- Shirland Avenue / North Shore Road Drainage Improvements
- Central Business Park Drive City Yard BMP Conceptual Design
- City-Wide Drainage Master Plan and Trunkline Capacity & Condition Analyses
- 23rd Street PER & Gosnold Avenue Drainage Improvements
- Sunset Drive at Chesapeake Blvd Drainage Improvements
- Various Stormwater Pump Station Evaluation & Rehabilitation Projects – PS #1, #5, #8, #9, #10, #12, & SS PS#4 Conversion
- Multiple Site Plan Reviews (Stormwater and Streets & Bridges)
- Securing Categorical Exclusions for CDBG Work
- Nutrient Management Plans