Timmons Group has been working with the City of Richmond to upgrade traffic signals and intersections along several major corridors and within the central business district of the City.
The signal improvements along Chamberlayne Avenue and Commerce Road included the replacement of the existing span wire signal installations with mast arm poles and luminaires. The projects also involved the installation of video detection and LED pedestrian signals with countdown display. The work on Commerce Road also included upgrading the existing 8” signal heads with 12” heads. The corridors were coordinated using spread spectrum radio communications which required field testing to confirm line of sight for establishing wireless interconnect communications.
The signal improvements along Broad Street in the central business district included decorative mast arm poles, arched mast arms, LED signal heads and uniform traffic control signage, including wayfinding and internally illuminated street signs at specific intersections. Pedestrian safety was enhanced by adding curb-cut ramps with detectable warning surfaces, installing wider cross walks and countdown pedestrian signals. Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) at certain intersections included features such as tactile arrows and locator tones to improve orientation for the visually impaired.