Timmons Group has been assisting the Lake Idylwild Owners Association with inspections, operation and maintenance related to their dam since the early 1990’s. The original dam was constructed approximately sometime around 1950 and serves as a recreational lake for surrounding property owners. On August 30, 2004, Tropical Storm Gaston produced rainfall as much as 12 inches over a 10 hour period overtopping the dam and causing a failure of the spillway structure.
Timmons Group worked with the owners association to prepare an alternative analysis for reconstruction of the dam. The association hired Timmons Group to prepare detailed construction plans, provide construction management services, prepare an inundation analysis study and provide coordination with DCR Dam Safety and Hanover County. Construction of the improvements was completed in August 2007 and the dam is currently under a regular operating certificate as a significant hazard impounding structure with the Virginia Division of Dam Safety.