HRSD entered into a contractual agreement with Dominion Energy at the Surry Nuclear Power Station to construct a new pump station and a 23-mile interceptor force main to convey wastewater from the power station to the Nansemond Wastewater Treatment Plant. Located in Suffolk, the Nansemond plant has sufficient capacity to treat the flow from the Dominion facility.
The force main, varying in size from 6” to 10”, includes four intermediate pump stations to ensure the flow over the 23-mile distance. The design incorporated 10 horizontal directional drills (HDDs) to install the pipe across waterways and avoid environmentally sensitive areas. HDD installations were strategically chosen to minimize wetland impacts and streamline the permitting process with federal, state, and local agencies.
This design-build project encompassed surveying, design, permitting, as well as easement and property acquisition to secure long-term wastewater management for Dominion Energy. Additional project components involved detailed traffic maintenance planning and coordination with property owners, farmers, businesses, and other stakeholders.
The project was also part of an executive compliance agreement between HRSD, DEQ, and EPA to address VPDES discharge limit violations. During periods of high demand, effluent discharges exceeded allowable nutrient levels. However, upon project completion, all wastewater was directed to the Nansemond plant, which had the capacity to ensure 100% regulatory compliance. The force main and pump stations have been operational for over two years and have successfully handled the flow from Dominion Energy.