
An Energizing Long Haul — Our Team’s Trip to Akuo Energy Solar Farm in Texas

Just a few weeks ago, our Richmond environmental team was presented with the opportunity to work with our Dallas renewables team on a 2,700 acre solar farm project in Tennyson, Texas for Akuo Energy.

Always up for a good challenge, Reid Anderson and Alanna Burket of our Richmond team loaded up one of our trucks (also known as “Long Haul One”) and hit the road from Virginia on the 3,000+ mile round trip to Texas and back.

Richmond environmental team wearing cowboy hats in Dallas, Texas

Richmond environmental team member wearing cowboy hat looking at cattle.

Melissa Davis and Dan Cox took to the sky and met up with Reid and Alanna in Dallas before they all rendezvoused at the site just north of San Angelo, where they stayed at the Indian Springs Ranch. This was our Richmond team’s first opportunity to perform a large wetland delineation in Texas, as the majority of our work is focused in the Coastal Plain and Eastern Mountain and Piedmont Regions of the East Coast.

Richmond environmental team on site looking at erosion.

Richmond environmental team member riding in utility vehicle.

“I’ve been with Timmons for six months and the variety of work has been one of the most enjoyable parts of my job,” Reid said. “Being able to venture out to a completely new and different environment in Texas was an awesome experience that has opened doors and pathways for my career at Timmons.”

This highly skilled team studied up on their plants and soils and seamlessly transitioned to wetland delineation field work in the Great Plains. They not only knocked out the wetland delineation field work on the entire 2,700 acres ahead of schedule (in less than a week), but they also bonded as a team and expanded their knowledge of field work in the process.

Richmond environmental team measuring data.

“It was great to get out of my comfort zone and test my abilities as a wetland delineator, and what better place to do it than Texas,” Dan recalled about the experience. “I’ve been in this line of work for a long time and have seen many different sites, but the west has intrigued me. It’s rugged, tough, and lives up to its name of being wild. Maybe next time I’ll see that rattlesnake catching some sun in a dry creek bed or an armadillo running across the dirt road as we pass by.”

Richmond environmental team member with horse.

Richmond environmental team on site with cacti.

Long Haul One packed up and headed back to Richmond, but our team is already itching for another road trip. Thank you to our Dallas team for their hospitality and for making our first trip to Texas a memory for the books!

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